Category Archives: Financial

Your 2024 Financial Call to ACTION!

November is the perfect time for a financial re-evaluation. With just 63 days left in the year,
businesses should focus on assessing their financial situation and planning for the future. Here’s a
breakdown of steps to take:

1. Evaluate Your Financial Health:
o Final Taxes: If you’ve waited till late in the year to handle your taxes, start getting
them in order now for next year. This is critical not only for compliance but also
for planning ahead.
o Budget Analysis: Go through your short-term, long-term, and fixed costs to
determine how well your current budget is serving you. Are … Read More

What Can Accountability Do for You?

Most small business owners don’t have anyone to report to on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis. Sure, you’re self-starters, you’re proactive. You get stuff done—and in some cases, at least some of the time—you get a lot done.

And you like not having to answer to others, and want that freedom and independence. You wouldn’t be in business otherwise.

But I think if you’re honest with yourself, you have to admit that you don’t always do as much as you could. Sometimes you coast. Sometimes you do what you like to do instead of the most important things Read More

Financing Business Growth

The question is always asked, how much should be spent on marketing and advertising.  Some businesses start on a shoestring and grow rapidly.  Others take hundreds even thousands of dollars and go at a snail’s pace.  While I have never heard a hard and fast answer to how much you should spend, you need a strategy that will produce results for you. Good accountants do far more than prepare tax returns; they help you understand the tax impact of your business decisions and assist you in reducing your overall exposure to taxes. It’s important to consult them before making decisions Read More

What’s Keeping You Afloat?

As an entrepreneur going it alone during some of these tough times can knock you flat.  What have you encountered in your business this year?  Are staying ahead? Have you stepped back? What have you learned and are you using the learning to move? How often have you let yourself go down that dark road and beat yourself up when things didn’t turn out according to “plan”?  As you entered this Quarter did you adjust your plan?  This is the time to step up and step “out”!

My members know I enjoy watching “Shark Tank”, a group of successful entrepreneurs … Read More

Step Back – Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Ask the right questions – what needs improvement, becomes increasingly important during economic uncertainty. Knowing which moves helped you win the game of business is your play back of what worked for you. It allows you to look backward to the extent required to give you a proper perspective on the present.

Analyzing each situation prior to setting results, strategies and actions is critical for generating or sustaining competitive advantages, especially when facing this dynamic environmental trend which can affect your business performance positively or negatively. Your main task is to explore the outside factors (that can imply what opportunities … Read More

Facing the Covid 19 Storm

As I was looking for a message that would serve everyone, in particular entrepreneurs, I found a quote written  by James Allen in his book
As a Man Thinketh, that certainly fits this time of chaos.

Tempest-tossed souls, wherever you may be, under whatsoever conditions ye may live, know this—in the ocean of life the isles of Blessedness are smiling, and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your coming. Keep your hands firmly upon the helm of thought. In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding Master; He does but sleep; wake Him. Self-control is strength; Right Thought

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Do the Math and Grow

Many times, over the years in our Mind Masters Group meetings, the question is always asked, how much should be spent on marketing and advertising.  Some businesses start on a shoestring and grow rapidly.  Others take hundreds even thousands of dollars and go at a snail’s pace.  While I have never heard a hard and fast answer to how much you should spend, you need a strategy that will produce results for you.

The key here is not how much you spend, but that you consistently reinvest money in your business.  Determine how much you can afford, is it $100 … Read More

Your End of the Year Checkup!

Over the years as we go about this last quarter I have recognized the importance of focusing Mind Masters members on the topic of managing what’s behind the scene, the financial status of the business. We started our businesses because we wanted more personal freedom and possessed valuable knowledge and skills in a specific industry or profession. However, many of us didn’t start with a clear picture of the business we were going to create. Instead, we went out and did what we were good at and the business was built around us.

The question I like to pose is … Read More

It’s Time to Poke Yourself!

The second half of the year has arrived! Are you at the mid-point for your 2019 Goals and Objectives? Or are you finding all the drive that brought the initial motivation and excitement has melted away, the steam has run out, the place you are in is comfortable and the dream world has slipped out from under?

Perhaps the goals you set were so big you feel beat up in the process to achieve them. Or you have achieved that big goal and don’t know where to go from here. Having worked with small business owners over the years, these … Read More

Commitment Counts!

Commitment is the Mind Masters theme for this year.  This can be the year of your dreams, the year of great accomplishment, the year you realize and utilize your untapped potential; the year you achieve long sought after goals in all areas of your life. This year will be exciting and rewarding only if you make it so.  You ask how can I determine to make it such a year?  The year will hold accomplishment, realization and achievement only if you commit to making it happen; only if you enter and live each day with the commitment to your goals.Read More