Category Archives: Articles

Celebrating 33 Years of Mind Masters

Celebrating 33 Years of Mind Masters: A Journey of Dreams, Growth, and Community

This month, Mind Masters celebrates 33 years—a milestone that reflects not only the evolution of a business but the incredible journey of countless entrepreneurs who have walked this path with us.

When I first made the leap into entrepreneurship, like many of you, I faced the uncertainty and solitude that comes with owning a small service business. While large corporations had Boards of Directors and CEO organizations to guide them, small businesses often stood alone, isolated. That’s when I knew—I wanted Mind Masters to be the advisory Read More

“Dog Days of Summer”

sun with targetSummer heat has taken over, the desire to head somewhere cool looms large – BUT as your Business Results Strategist, I must ask you are you at the midpoint of your 2024 Goals and Results? After these several months working day and night to achieve those goals that were set in January, to perhaps create a new service, introduce a new product, or even design a new business model – have you found that all the drive that brought the initial motivation and excitement has melted away, the steam run out, and the place you are now in is comfortable … Read More

Seeds of Success

As you look to this year you must positively expect good things to happen.  Your belief and attitude about business, money, relationships, education, IQ, the government, what you’re capable of, how deserving you are and more will be the seeds that determine your success.

Your beliefs or what I call the 900 Pound Gorilla—are what hold you back. What it will take to set your plans in action is learning how to install new beliefs, and attitudes.

Defining your business Vision is one of your most important exercises to support and create ongoing success. Without the Vision, nothing you do Read More

Tap Your Massive Potential for Greater Success

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you already mastered, you will never grow.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

As you look to preparing for 2024 you must positively expect good things to happen.  Your belief and attitude about business, money, relationships, education, IQ, the government, what you’re capable of, how deserving you are and more will be the seeds that determine your success.

Your negative beliefs or catalog of regrets are what science calls negative bias, and are what hold you back. What it will take to set your plans in action is learning how to install new beliefs, and Read More

What Makes You Stand Out in the Marketplace?

Since COVID I have noticed many business owners having difficulty reconnecting, whether with customers or even prior networking groups.. As a growing business owner are you getting caught in the hyper-competitive market environment? When you work alone it is often difficult to fulfill all the roles you have to play. So how do you stay competitive? I often harp on the importance of staying focused to the high-priority, high payoff areas of the business, but when you are doing it all, everything seems “high priority”. But being in business means staying connected to the people who do business with you … Read More

Are You Promoting Your “Sweet Spot?”

As a growing business owner are you getting caught in the hyper competitive market environment? When you work alone it is often difficult to fulfill all the roles you have to play. So how do you stay competitive? I often harp on the importance of staying focused to the high priority, high payoff areas of the business, but when you are doing it all, everything seems “high priority”. But being in business means staying connected to the people who do business with you as well as the people who refer business to you.

Do you work consistently with your Marketing Read More

Commitment, Your Best Execution Strategy!

What comes to mind when you think of the word COMMITMENT? Hopefully as a business owner you understand that commitment requires a program of goal setting joined with a decision to take action.  Being a self-starter means you are focused on a desire that you hold in expectation with a belief that it will be realized.  

The challenge comes when the words you use about yourself, your dreams, and those around you impact you, in a way that most of us underestimate. Words are our first weapon in the battle for keeping our commitment to what we say we want. Read More

Strengthen Your Brand Identity

Customers make the heart of your business beat with their desire to choose products, services and experiences that meet their needs, fit their values, engage their emotions and respond to their desires. Your role is to transform prospects into customers and customers into fiercely loyal advocates. As your own marketer you have to be heard over the marketing noise that is everywhere, (TV, newspapers, on every street corner, now even at the movies). You then have to overcome the skepticism of the more sophisticated consumer.

In creating a Personal Brand it is important to understand that all of this starts … Read More

How to Cope with CHANGE

Here it is half of the year is finished.  How many of you after these several months working day and night to achieve those goals you set in January to create a new service, introduce a new product or even design a new business model – all at once find all the drive that brought the initial motivation and excitement has melted away, the steam has run out, the place you are in is comfortable and the dream world has slipped out from under?

This is the wakeup call.  You must reawaken the drive and motivation, you must motivate yourself!  … Read More

Choose Your Success

What is it inside of people that makes them willing to risk everything they have to be in business?  Is it to join the league of greats like Ford, Carnegie, Hearst, Jobs, Gates or just to have the freedom of being in a business of their own?

Perhaps it is the spirit passed down by parents or grandparents who ran the butcher shops, bakeries and small service businesses from the beginning of time.  Some say it is a burning desire that hits like a flash of lightening or an idea that begs to be developed.

At the height of it Read More