This has been one of the most fun topics we have shared at Mind Masters for many reasons. Many things showed up for the business owners in each of the groups when I introduced the topic, like fear, uncertainty, lack of confidence and no video skill sets. Can you relate?
So first we had to talk about stepping out of the comfort zone and trying something new, after all isn’t that what we ask customers and clients to do when they engage with you? Each person has an expertise that is unique to them that others can learn from and now with the internet video is making that expertise easier to share.
And “Video really is the most powerful platform we have to get our work out into the world because of the connection and authenticity it creates and because your videos can be out in the world delivering your message 24/7 around the world.”
But it also takes learning and understanding the different types of videos that can be used to market either a product or the individual service provider. Some of our members were able to video testimonials from members who had done business with them. Others shared an introduction of their service. We learned there is a way to sell through educational videos.
Understand I am by no means a videographer nor did I pretend to be one. Sometimes it takes equipment that can enhance the video process, but all we did was open our phones and stepped up, past the fear and uncertainty and found the business of marketing with video FUN. Having a cheering section I know helped, but keeping it simple enhanced everyone’s confidence. Now go out there and have some fun!!