Commitment is the Mind Masters theme for 2013. This can be the year of your dreams, the year of great accomplishment, the year you realize and utilize your untapped potential; the year you achieve long sought after goals in all areas of your life. This year will be exciting and rewarding only if you make it so. You ask how can I determine to make it such a year? The year will hold accomplishment, realization and achievement only if you commit to making it happen; only if you enter and live each day with the commitment to be self disciplined.
Discipline is often not a word we respond well to, but maybe self-starter works better for you. Commitment requires a program of goal setting joined with a decision to take action. Being a self-starter means you are focused on a desire that you hold in expectation with a belief that it will be realized.
The challenge comes when the words we use about ourselves, our dreams, and those around us impact our lives, in a way that most of us underestimate. Words are our first weapon in the battle for keeping our commitment to what we say we want. It is by the power of our words that we can give life to our goals or take it away.
Rory Vaden in his book “Take the Stairs”, says “Power is measured by the impact that our words have in their ability to dictate action.” So unless you have your commitment supported with action word motivators that reflect your desire, confidence and determination, you will short change yourself in carrying through on what you determined to be “important” to you.
The greatness of your accomplishments depends upon your understanding and application of the principles of commitment by:
1. Vividly imagining – being able to visualize a concise and clear
picture of precisely what you imagine yourself to be, have and do.
2. Activating your Desire with an intensity that creates in every new day an opportunity to earn and justify your rewards; to develop the consciousness and habits of success (self-discipline), to seek greater heights and accomplish your dreams.
3. Maintaining and/or developing a sincere Belief in your ability and
worthiness to attain your goals.
4. Being willing to take the Action necessary to see your Goals accomplished.
When you work with these principals your commitment when held over a period of time exerts inexorable power on your outcomes – so make a commitment to make this year your best ever!
The Challenge: Take some time to review your goals and make sure your commitment to their attainment is in alignment. Awaken your power in 2013!