Twenty four hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato said, “If a man would move the world, he must first move himself.” That statement is as true today as it was then. We not only can’t move the world, we can’t accomplish anything productive unless we translate our ideas, our plans and our decisions into immediate action.
We are at the 11th Hour (decision time) to end 2012 with a bang or a whimper.
What have you decided? I hope you have chosen the “bang” – here’s why. This last quarter is the time to gear up, to double and triple your best ever, to go all out because it helps you build the momentum you need going into 2013 stronger than ever.
Doing the work now can be the “beginning of the beginning”:
– The Beginning of new heights of achievement
– The Beginning of new levels of income
– The Beginning of more sales
– The Beginning of a better lifestyle
– The Beginning of increased self esteem
– The Beginning of the best year of your life
If the goals you have set are the essential ingredients to your success in 2012, then time control and organized activity is the other hand of achievement. Those who translate their ideas into a DO IT NOW attitude, experience the triumph of personal achievement. Self generated urgency is vital! Let nothing detour you from your high priority, high payoff activities to become the successful person you’re entitled to be and realize your full potential. All you have to do is DO IT NOW!