I had a meeting with one of my members who was sharing his frustration about the way his vision for the business just wasn’t happening. He kept getting bogged down in things that didn’t allow him time to work on creating the vision. He came to realize that although he had job descriptions, he had not fully delegated all of the work to the people he had hired.
Small business owners often ignore the need for an organizational chart. This is a mistake, because when you detail all of the roles and/or positions necessary to profitably manage the business and spell out the systems/functions for each role you are then properly positioned to grow. This is the structure that Michael Gerber talks about in The E Myth Revisited. He refers to the fact that an orderly business provides customers with a level of trust that the product or result they want can be delivered.
It also delivers a message to you, the business owner, that the business can grow without you. Your decisions on how to handle growth will be easier, when you have worked out what is necessary to run the business. Leveraging your time, so that the high priority, high pay off activities have consistent focus and other things can be handled by employees, virtual assistants, subcontractors or by part time people.