Happy New Year!!!!
Mind Masters started the year with our 15th Annual Planning Workshop, with a great group of entrepreneurs in attendance. There were sponsor tables with products and services for everyone, new materials, handouts and special ribbons. Larny J. Mack of Larny J. Mack Photography was the first Mind Masters member to receive The Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Although he struggled through the first part of the year, he found purpose in his work and the year turned out to be his best ever, his client list reads like who’s who in the building and manufacturing industry, not to mention the great work he has done for the Mind Masters Brochure and Pictures for the our web site. There were two runners up Kathy Cazin of Accountkeepers of San Diego and Todd Cazin (a chip off the “ole” block) of Consolidated Concepts. (Check out our web site for their profiles.)
This can be the year of your dreams, the year of great accomplishment, the year you realize and utilize your untapped potential; the year you achieve long sought after goals in all areas of your life. This year will be exciting and rewarding only if you make it so. You ask how can I determine to make it such a year? The year will hold accomplishment, realization and achievement only if you expect it to happen; only if you enter and live each day with POSITIVE EXPECTANCY.
Paul J. Meyer of Success Motivation Institute said “POSITIVE EXPECTANCY is the attitude you must adopt and maintain.” The greatness of your accomplishments depends upon your understanding and application of the principles of positive expectancy; you must positively expect things to happen by:
- Vividly imagining – being able to visualize a concise and clear picture of precisely what you imagine yourself to be, have and do.
- Activating your Desire with an intensity that creates in every new day an opportunity to earn and justify your rewards; to develop the consciousness and habits of success, to seek greater heights and accomplish your dreams.
- Maintain and develop a sincere Belief in your ability and worthiness to attain your goals.
- Be willing to take the Action necessary to see your Goals accomplished.
When you work with these principals your expectations when held over a period of time exert inexorable power on your outcomes – so plan this year with Positive Expectancy and make it your best ever!
The Challenge: Spend some time this month reviewing your plans with an eye to areas that need some outside support.