Category Archives: Values

Referrals that Work or Work for Referrals

Do you remember when you joined your first formal referral or leads group? There was always instruction on how to network, give referrals and structure your 30/60 second promotional to ask for the kind of referrals you wanted. In many cases these did not deliver the results you were expecting. Networking is a marketing tactic that requires planning and structure.

How to make networking work!

Power Partners position you to strategically refer and receive referrals from people calling on the same ideal customer. In one of my early networking groups there was a fee only financial planner who built her … Read More

Do It Now!

One of the most important qualities that leads business owners to success is being a self-starter. Within this quality is the ability to manage time for achieving life’s dreams and goals. So much has been written and spoken about time management, but what is the controlling factor that affects how we use our time?

People say it is having a passion for what we do and want. Others say it is sticking to a plan, or being accountable to someone. It is probably all of that plus “awareness.” Here is what I mean by awareness. If you haven’t tapped into … Read More