Reframe Your Mindset

As we approach the end of another Quarter it is a great time to assess not just the sales you have made or the clients/customers you have acquired but rather knowing yourself. Want to know the secret for having a big business breakthrough this year?

Most people think it’s all about marketing strategies and sales techniques. The #1 most important thing for growing your business and attracting your ideal clients is YOU!

Your energy. Your style. Who you are and how you show up. Some people call it mindset, but mindset of what? As business owners we all need to set our mind on managing the business, marketing and sales, and handling the finances. But what about our own self-development?

So before you set your plans for this next quarter, I want to challenge you to “know yourself”, be they strengths or weaknesses”.

As the head of a business consider the model of behavior you display.  What one mannerism, action or reaction you display would you like to change?

To stay on top it takes discipline.  What are 3 of the disciplines you need daily to stay at the top of your business?  (Did you do them all today?)

Start an achievement list.  Daily and weekly update your list so you recognize what you have learned, accomplished and achieved.  Build on your successes.

Make a list of your high priority, high payoff activities that you dare not leave to chance.

Make a list of specific needs, resources, skills and experience you want for the business.

What ways have you let current circumstances define your thinking?  How can you change them?

What was one failure you have had in life, what are 3 things you have learned from it?

What are the 3 most important skills to your success?  Write down one way you can sharpen each and practice one today.

What current circumstances are defining your thinking.  Challenge those thoughts by jotting down a different perspective.

What do you need to say no to, to create space for the real priorities.

Take some time to review your vision and make sure your belief in its attainment is in alignment with it.

Look to the future and see what calls to you, what inspires you, what would get you out of bed in the morning raring to go because you have work to do.

Do 1 thing that makes you uncomfortable every day – work toward stretching those “goal achievement muscles.”

Ask for help! Trying to figure it out on your own wastes valuable time. Then you can focus on the priorities.

Knowing yourself is about taking responsibility for your own life. It’s about connecting to that extraordinary, alive part of you that wants something more, that takes you beyond simply living. It is expressing to everyone around you the uniqueness and the vitality that lives within you.

The Challenge: Awaken your power in 2019! Wake up! Shake it up, reconnect and bring new life to your business.